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Lida-Maria Dodou

Junior Fellow (10/2021-08/2022)


Paths to Safety. Wars, Antisemitism and 500 Salonican Jews in their Quest for a Safe Haven, 1910-1938


DodouThis project examines the influence antisemitism had on a group of Salonican Jews, who acquired the Austrian citizenship between 1910 and 1938. This group consisted of members of the Salonican Jewish economic and political elite and their actions affected the way the whole community functioned. The aim is to identify the role of antisemitism in their decision to acquire another citizenship and in choosing the Austrian one to this end. It also seeks to reconstruct their mobilities across Europe during the interwar period. The project employs a transnational and transimperial perspective as well as the methodology of social network analysis.


Lida-Maria Dodou is a PhD candidate at the University of Vienna. Her research project concerns the Salonican Jews, who settled in the Habsburg Empire and is incorporated in the research cluster State, Politics and Governance in Historical Perspective. She holds a MA in Political Sciences and History from Panteion University in Athens, and was granted a fellowship from the Provincial Government of Styria, Austria, for her MA-thesis Economy, Society, Politics and the Relations between Greeks and Jews in Salonika, 1908-1913.


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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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