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Kateřina Králová

Research Fellow (08/2020–05/2021)


(INTER)MISSION. Parent-Child Separation due to Conflict in Twentieth-Century Europe


Web KralovaK This project aims to shed light on how former child refugees of conflict zones and the communities they adhere(d) to in their host countries look back on these times. The research focusses primarily on externally displaced children separated from their parent(s) who were once threatened by violent conflict from the Second World War up to the Cold War. I take into account three focus groups: 1) the Kindertransporte, 2) child refugees from the Greek Civil War, and 3) child refugees from the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. My aim is to document and examine how they came to terms with their displacement and coped with family separation not only during their childhood but also – and most significantly – in adulthood. To this end, I regard social inclusion, adaptation mechanisms, and attitudes towards war as central analytical variables, all of which crystallised from my previous research on Holocaust survivors and Greek Civil War refugees.


Kateřina Králová is Associate Professor of Modern History and Head of the Department of Russian and Eastern European Studies (2017–2020) at Charles University, Prague. In her research, she has been focusing on reconciliation with the Nazi past, the Holocaust, and its aftermath. She authored the book Das Vermächtnis der Besatzung. Deutsch-griechische Beziehungen seit 1940 (Böhlau, 2016; BpB 2017) as well as numerous articles and volumes in Czech, English, German, and Greek. Her second book, about Holocaust survivors in postwar Greece, is under review.


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