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Jochen Böhler - Director

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Phone: +43-1-890 15 14-101


PD Dr., historian, expert on the history of violence in Eastern Europe in the 20th century. Studied history, ethnology and economics at the University of Cologne, PhD. 2006, Habilitation at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena in 2019. As a research associate, Jochen Böhler established the research department "War and Foreign Rule in the Age of Extremes" at the German Historical Institute Warsaw from 2000 to 2010, contributed to TV documentaries, co-edited several books, and curated a German-Polish exhibition that was shown throughout Poland and Germany from 2004. From 2010 to 2019, he was a research fellow at Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena. Following positions at the Centre for Advanced Holocaust Studies of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, at the International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, in Jerusalem, and a visiting professorship at Sorbonne University in Paris, he most recently represented the professorship of Eastern European History at Friedrich Schiller University in Jena from 2019 to 2022.




Éva Kovács - Deputy Director (Academic Affairs)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-120


Prof. Dr., sociologist. Kovács studied sociology and economics at the Corvinus University in Budapest, PhD 1994, Habilitation 2009.

Éva Kovács is also a Research Professor at the Centre for Social Sciences/Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence in Budapest. Her research fields are the history of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe, research on memory and remembrance, and Jewish identity in Hungary and Slovakia. She has authored five monographs, edited ten volumes, published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, co-curated exhibitions in Budapest, Berlin, Bratislava, Krems, Prague, Vienna and Warsaw. She is the founder of the audio-visual archive “Voices of the Twentieth Century” in Budapest. She was a member of the VWI International Academic Advisory Board from 2010 to 2012 and Academic Programme Director at the VWI between 2012 and 2020.



Angelika Brechelmacher - Deputy Director (Financial and Administrative Affairs)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-110


Dr., studied cultural and social anthropology as well as applied linguistics with a focus on critical discourse analysis at Vienna University. She supported the establishment of the Department of Social Ecology at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Advanced Education (iff) with regard to administrative matters. In the corporate sector, she supervised around a dozen Horizon 2020 projects. As a research associate of the Department of Science Communication and Higher Education at the University of Klagenfurt, she was responsible for the acquisition, management, and implementation of European research and education projects, including the project Post41 – Berichte aus dem Getto Litzmannstadt, which resulted in an exhibition shown in 2015 in the Jewish Museum Vienna in the Muzeum Stacja Radegast in Łódź, and the documentation project Aspangbahnhof 1941 – Geschichte einer Frauenfreundschaft. She also supervised the realisation of the Austrian contributions to the transnational Holocaust learning platform Eternal Echoes.


Mirjam Karoly (Office Management)

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Tel.: +43-1-890 15 14-100

Mirjam Karoly, Mag.a, Political Scientist with a research focus on Human Rights and minorities. From 2013-2017, Mirjam Karoly was head of the OSCE Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues at the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. Previously, she served as Senior Adviser on Minority Rights at the OSCE Field Operation in Kosovo. In her professional career she dealt with the design, implementation and evaluation of inclusion policies and initiatives to fight racism and discrimination. She is experienced in program- and project management considering a gender- and diversity approach. She focuses on Roma in Europe, the situation of minorities and Roma displaced persons in conflict and post-conflict situations. She is an advocate for Roma rights and a member of the Austrian Delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. She also serves as a member of the Austrian Ethnic Council on Roma and is an honorary member of Romano Centro.


Sandro Fasching (Research Assistance, Museum, Web Editor)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-160


In charge of microfilm digitalisation and hosting and developing the Websites since September 2010. Responsible for The Future of Memory – Museum Simon Wiesenthal since October 2016.

He is a student of history at the University of Vienna. Fasching has contributed to various Wien Museum exhibitions: Struggle for the City. Politics, arts and urban life around 1930Römermuseum, Building St Stephen's. The Original Plans from the Middle AgesVirgilkapelle; he worked on the inventory of the Wien Museum archaeological collection and on several excavations with Stadtarchäologie Wien. He spent one year abroad in Mexico (UNAM), Cuba, and Guatemala.


Kinga Frojimovics (Project Collaborator)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-401


Dr., historian and archivist, project leader at the VWI since February 2020.

Frojimovics studied history, archival studies, and archaeology at ELTE University in Hungary, and Jewish history at Bar-Ilan University in Israel. She is the former director of the Hungarian Jewish Archives (Budapest, 1993-1997), and was head of the Hungarian Section of the Yad Vashem Archives (Jerusalem, 2006-2018). From 2010 she is member of the Commission for the Designation of the Righteous among the Nations of Yad Vashem (Jerusalem, Israel), and from 2011 Member of the Academic Advisory Committee of Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, Brandeis University (Waltham, MA, USA). Her research fields are the history of the Holocaust in Hungary, Jewish religious life in Hungary, and cataloguing of Jewish and Holocaust-related archival collections. She has authored six monographs, edited four volumes, and published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Working on the project entitled The History of Hungarian Jewish Forced Labour in Vienna, 1944/45 (project I 4666-G of the Austrian Science Fund) since February 2020.



Barbara Grzelak (Library)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-300


B.Sc., academic library and information specialist, business administration. In charge of the library at the VWI since September 2010.

Grzelak studied business administration at the Business University Vienna with a focus on small and medium-sized businesses as well as production management, and has command over the Russian, Czech, and Slovak languages.


Ines Koeltzsch (Project Collaborator)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-170


Dr. phil., is a historian with a research and teaching focus on the cultural and social history of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, in particular of Jewish/non-Jewish relations, and of literary and cultural translations. She was a research assistant at the Institute for East European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin (2003-2009), where she completed her PhD with the work Geteilte Kulturen. Eine Geschichte der tschechisch-jüdisch-deutschen Beziehungen in Prag 1918-1938 (Munich: Oldenbourg 2012). Afterwards she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Bohemicum of the University of Regensburg (2012/13) and at the Masaryk Institute and Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences (2013-2018). Since 2023 she is a lecturer at the Jewish Studies Program at CEU Vienna.
At the VWI Ines Koeltzsch started as a research project coordinator of EHRI-IP in February 2024.




Stephen Naron (Visiting Research Fellow)

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Tel.: +43-1-890 151 4-260


Stephen Naron has worked as an archivist/librarian since 2003, when he received his MSIS from the University of Texas, Austin. He has worked with the Fortunoff Archive for more than 12 years, as archivist, consultant, and now Director. Stephen pursued a Magister in Jewish studies at the Freie Universitaet Berlin and history at the Zentrum fuer Antisemitismusforschung, TU, and has a BA in History from the University of Kansas. He is currently a PhD student in Judaic Studies at Brandeis University. As the director of the Fortunoff Archive, Stephen works within the wider research community to share access to the collection, and presents about the Archive at conferences, symposiums and sessions of Yale University classes. Stephen is responsible for encouraging innovative use of the collection, including documentary films, podcasts and digital humanities projects. His research interests include the history of Holocaust testimony, archives and “archivalism,” and memory studies.


Teresa Preis (PR & publications)

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Tel.: +43-1-890 15 14-150


Holds a bachelor’s degree in German Philology from the University of Vienna including a year at University College London (UCL), and a master’s degree in European Languages and Cultures from the University of Cambridge.

From 2015 to 2018 responsible as head of department for press and public relations of the Austrian Publishers and Booksellers Association, including the international book fair and book festival Buch Wien. From 2018 to 2021 editor-in-chief of a trade magazine at Falter’s corporate publishing department.

Since 2022 responsible for PR and publications at VWI.


Minas Ramadan (Accounting)

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Minas Ramadan studied banking and insurance at the Faculty of Economics at Damascus University. She completed accounting training at the B2 Education Centre in Vienna and has been working as an accountant since 2010. In 2013, she completed a course in graphic design in Cairo and has been working as a freelance graphic designer since 2014. In 2020 she completed the courses Brand New Brand, Ideas from the History of Graphic Design, Introduction to Image-Making and Typography & Fundamentals of Graphic Design at the California Institute of the Arts. In early May 2022, she took over the accounting duties at VWI.


Philipp Rohrbach (Research Associate)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-140


Philipp Rohrbach, MA, studied history, Slavic studies, and contemporary history at Vienna University, where he is currently working on his PhD.

He has been a research associate at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies since 2010. He has moreover collaborated on numerous projects and curated various exhibitions, including recollecting (MAK, 2008), Goldscheider (LBI NY, 2009), Kampf um die Stadt (Wien Museum, 2009), SchwarzÖsterreich. Die Kinder afroamerikanischer Besatzungssoldaten (Austrian Museum of Folk Life and Folk Art, Vienna, 2016), Ungarisch-jüdische Zwangsarbeit in Wien 1944/45 (VWI, 2015-2018), and Lost in Administration. Die Geschichte der Kinder afroamerikanisch Gis in Österreich (University of Salzburg, 2015-2017). He currently heads the project Austrian Heritage Archive (Verein Gedenkdienst/VWI) together with Mag. Adina Seeger und Tom Juncker, MA. His research interests include Jewish Austrian emigration to the USA and to Palestine/Israel, oral history, children of war, racism after 1945 and adoption studies.




Fabio Rovigo (Project Collaborator, archivist with expertise in Digital Humanities)

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Tel.: 0043-1-8901514-170


Fabio Rovigo studied philosophy in a joint degree programme (M.A.) at the University of Trento and at the Technical University Dresden. He holds a B.A. in Economics and Social Sciences from the University of Bolzano. He conducted research at the Husserl Archives in Cologne and Leuven, pursued a research project on Edmund Husserl’s philosophy at the University of Graz (Ernst-Mach-Fellowship) and worked as a scientific assistant at the TU Dresden. He received the certificate in Information Modelling from the University of Graz. Until 2023 he worked as a managing archivist for the German Archive of Composers (Deutsches Komponistenarchiv). Since 2023 Fabio has been working at VWI as a digital archivist with a focus on Digital Humanities. He works on the projects EHRI-3 and EHRI-AT.


Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Project Collaborator)

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Wolfgang Schellenbacher studied history at Vienna University. From 2010 to 2019, he was employed at the Jewish Museum in Prague, where he worked primarily for EHRI as well as for the editorial project BeGrenzte Flucht. Since 2018, he has worked on projects relating to Jewish refugees in Central Europe in the 1930s as well as on a mobile web application on the history of the Holocaust in Prague at the Masaryk Institute and the Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He also works at the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW), where he heads the digital archival project Memento Wien, which makes information about the victims of the Nazi dictatorship in Vienna visible on mobile devices. At the VWI, he has been collaborating on the project EHRI-3 since September 2020, for which he is currently working on online editions as well as curating the EHRI Document Blog.


Sandra Weiss (Archivist)

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Sandra Weiss, historian and archivist, studied at the University of Vienna: Mag.a in history 2008, M.A. in historical research, historical auxiliary sciences and archival science 2012, PhD in 2017.
Collaborated on various projects at the Institute for Jewish History in Austria, the Institute for Legal and Constitutional History at the University of Vienna, the Institute for Medieval Studies at the Academy of Sciences as well as the Austrian Biographical Dictionary. Has repeatedly taught courses at the Institute for European Ethnology at the University of Vienna. Additionally, Weiss is an expert in the field of “Kurrent”-transcriptions, scholarly editing and register compilation.


Fabian Wimmer

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B.A. in History at the University of Vienna and currently writing his master thesis at the Fernuniversität in Hagen in the master programme "History of Europe - Epochs, Upheavals, Interconnections". Intern and project worker at the Jewish Museum Hohenems in 2019. Numerous internships in the field of contemporary history: at the House of History Austria, at the German Tank Museum Munster and at the Museum/Archive of the City of Innsbruck. Since mid-November 2021 student assistant in the VWI archive.
Research focus/interests: European history; history of anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism in Europe; history of Spanish and Italian Jews; Palestine in the interwar period; history, composition, fate and memory of the International Brigades.


Marianne Windsperger (Research Associate)

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Tel.: 0043-1-890 15 14-130


Mag.a phil., literary scholar with a focus on literary representations of the Holocaust, autobiographical sources, Yiddish literature, and theories of memory. Marianne Windsperger received her MA in Comparative Literature and Romance Studies from the University of Vienna and is a graduate of the Uriel Weinreich Program for Eastern European Jewish History and Culture at the YIVO Institute in New York.

She has been working as a research assistant at the VWI since 2018. Here, she coordinates the establishment of the Austrian consortium within the framework of EHRI-AT. In addition, she is an editorial team member of the open-access journal S:I.M.O.N. and a collaborator for the fellowship program as well as for scientific publications. She also develops and organizes scientific events.

Previously, she has been university assistant and project assistant at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Vienna (2014-2017) and research assistant at the Theodor Kramer Society (2017-2018). Since 2018, she serves as a board member there.



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