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Gergely Kunt

Research Fellow (10/2022 – 03/2023)


"Images Of The Others": A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Romani and Anti-Semitic Narratives in Private and Public Discourse in Hungary from World War I to World War II


Gergely KuntThe project focuses on examining different levels of discourse that led to the association of negative social images and stereotypes of Jewish and Romani people in Hungary. Instead of focusing on the political background of the genocide or the anti-Roma and anti-Semitic laws, the "social and mental context" will be explored here - i.e. the dissemination of anti-Roma and anti-Semitic images and the internalisation of negative stereotypes by the majority group. Such images were an important prerequisite for the genocide during World War II. An interdisciplinary approach is taken: The research is primarily based on social psychology and the linguistic and discourse analysis of newspaper articles and first-person documents (especially diaries) from interwar Hungary, with special attention paid to the authors' use of language. The project treats the texts as part of the contemporary social reality created by language.


Gergely Kunt, social historian and Assistant Professor at the University of Miskolc (Hungary). Founding member of the European Ego-Documents Archive and Collections Network (EDAC). Author of The Children's Republic of Gaudiopolis: The History and Memory of a Children's Home for Holocaust and War Orphans (2022) and several monographs in Hungarian.He was Core Fellow at Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University; Weickert Postdoctoral Fellow at Fritz Bauer Institut at the University of Frankfurt am Main.


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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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