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Fredrik Lindström  

Senior Fellow (02/2018–06/2018)


History and Memory in the Austrian Postwar Period 1960-1988


LINDSTROMThe overarching project deals with the “institutional landscape” (Tony Judt) of history writing and memory work in the core period of the Austrian postwar period between 1960 and 1988. Methodologically it relies on Paul Ricœur’s discussion of the interrelationship between the discipline of history and the new field of memory studies, from their common point of origin in the testimony to the representation of the past in historical narratives and public commemorations. The project thus focusses on the formation of different institutional forms of dealing with the past, such as historical commissions, research institutes, and documentation archives.


The focus of the research conducted in Vienna in spring 2018 is Simon Wiesenthal’s Documentation Archive of Jews Persecuted by Nazism (1961–2005).


Fredrik Lindström studied History at Lund University and spent a post-doc year at the Institute for Contemporary History at Vienna University. He is currently Senior Lecturer of European Studies at Malmö University and has served for several years as Director of Ph.D. Studies at his home faculty in Malmö.

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


bmbwf en 179


wienkultur 179


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