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Anna G. Piotrowska

Research Fellow (01/2023 – 06/2023)


Romani Musicians and the Holocaust


Anna G. PiotrowskaThe project aims to shed light on the forgotten Holocaust of the Roma by examining the function of music and the position of Roma musicians in the concentration camps. While the starting point of the project is the analysis of the mechanisms of stereotyping the European "others" as musicians, the project predominantly reconstructs the position and reception of Roma musicians during the Holocaust, with a special focus on their situation in the concentration camps. The project focuses on Romani, but also on Jewish musicians who are particularly well-known in Central Europe, such as violinists and cimbalists, and examines their different musical traditions in the public sphere. The question is asked whether and to what extent their reception in European culture influenced the fate of Roma and Jewish musicians in the concentration camps.


Anna G. Piotrowska, musicologist (Jagiellonian University in Krakow and Durham University), has published numerous books and articles on the role music plays in shaping, influencing and reflecting cultural and political contexts. She is concerned with issues at the intersection of music culture and the concepts of race and ethnicity.


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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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