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Lindsay MacNeill
Junior Fellow (04/2016 - 08/2016)

Defining Subversion. Policing Politics in Austria 1918-1955

MacNeill-PhotoThis project examines the policing of politics in Austria from 1918 to 1955 under the successive democratic, authoritarian, Nazi, and Allied occupation governments. Lindsay MacNeill is especially interested in how Austrian police forces defined and policed subversion under these different ideological regimes. The policing of politics is often understood as something that uniquely reflects the political ideology of a given regime. MacNeill seeks to challenge this view by examining the ways in which certain continuities in police behaviours, beliefs, and assumptions existed across national borders and continued despite regime change.


Lindsay MacNeill is a History PhD candidate at American University in Washington, D.C. She received her B.A. in Spanish and History at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill in 2009 and her M.A. in Modern European History at American University in 2013. She has also worked as a research coordinator at the Levine Institute of Holocaust Education at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Research interests: Nazi Germany, political policing, interwar Austria, Spanish Civil War.

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