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Hana Green

EHRI-Fellow (10/2021)


Illegales Leben: Jewish Women Passing as Aryan during the Holocaust


GreenThis doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of Jewish women passing as Aryan U-boote across Central Europe during the Holocaust. Tracing the transformation of Jewish women’s prewar identities through their adoption of false personas, it plumbs the ways in which individuals adopted and adapted to an assumed identity as a response to persecution. Through the examination of case studies and experiential vignettes, this project aims to bet-ter understand and assess day-to-day passing experiences through vari-ous Judenfrei milieu. Studying the unique vantage point of passers contributes to broader understandings of Jewish presence and absence during the war, narrates a wartime Alltags-geschichte of “the Aryan side” from a uniquely Jewish perspective, and considers relational aspects amongst and between passers and the gentiles they encountered. This research pro-ject integrates literature on identity passing within the framework of Central European Jewish history and Holocaust history and engages with transnational and transhistorical questions concerning identity formation and malleability. Additionally, with its focus on Jewish women and female-specific experiences of trauma and survival, this undertaking as-sesses gender and gendered responses within Holocaust narrative memory.


Hana Green Hana Green is a doctoral candidate at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Stu-dies at Clark University. She holds a BA in History from the University of Florida and an MA in Holocaust Studies from the University of Haifa. Her research interests include Holocaust his-tory, Jewish history, and gender and identity studies. She holds a Claims Conference Fel-lowship (The Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany; 2018-present) and has received fellowships from the Leo Baeck Institute, the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, EHRI, and the German Academic Exchange Service.

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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