Workshops & Conventions
The research plans and projects of the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) require continuous discussion and in-depth academic consideration and fine-tuning.
The VWI workshops provide a forum for the in-depth discussion of the core research areas of the institute. These are determined by the International Academic Advisory Board in its position paper and in its recommendations, while the VWI also independently elaborates, formulates, and executes themes, ideas, and concepts. Externals experts are also frequently involved in the conceptualisation of workshops, with their academic institutions then moreover serving as partner organisations in the concrete event.
The format employed since 2011 – the date of the first VWI workshop – of employing a range of presentations partly solicited through a Call for Papers and partly through invitations extended to renowned experts for individual panels or as keynotes has proven most productive.
Beyond this, the VWI also involves itself financially or in content and organisation with various conferences which correlate with the profile of the institute.
Workshop | |||
Collective Violence, Antisemitism and Social Conflict in Modern Eastern Europe | |||
Monday, 22. January 2018, 10:00 - 16:00 Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) 1010 Wien, Rabensteig 3, Research Lounge
10:00-12:00 Pavel Kolář (European University Institute, Florence), State Violence in Peaceful Times Discussion and debate 14:00-16:00 Valentin Sandulescu (University of Bucharest), Romania Discussant: Jan C. Behrends (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam) Organised by the project group “Post-WWII Antisemitic Pogroms in East and East Central Europe: Collective Violence and Popular Culture” Funded by: