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News – Events – Calls

02. May 2024 18:30
Simon Wiesenthal LectureEdyta Gawron: Never Too Late to Remember, Never Too Late for Justice! Holocaust Research and Commemoration in Contemporary Poland
In 1994, Simon Wiesenthal received a doctorate honoris causa from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow for his lifelong quest for justice – half a century after he had been, for a short time, prisoner of the local Nazi Concentration Camp (KL) Plaszow. The 1990s were the decade when t...Weiterlesen...
07. May 2024 00:00 - 04. June 2024 00:00
WorkshopDealing with Antisemitism in the Past and Present. Scientific Organisations and the State of Research in Austria
This series of talks, presented by antisemitism experts from different organisations that research antisemitism using a variety of academic approaches, aims to provide a snapshot of historical evolutions, current events, prevalent perceptions and declared (and undeclared) attitudes. I...Weiterlesen...
14. May 2024 08:45 - 16. May 2024 16:30
TagungQuantifying the Holocaust. Classifying, Counting, Modeling: What Contribution to Holocaust History?
About the conference: Programme timed on the basis of 15-minute presentations + 15-minute discussions; short breaks and lunches Day 1 Tuesday, 14 May 2024Centre Malher (9 rue Malher 75004 Paris/amphi Dupuis) From 8.45 am: Welcome9.30 am...Weiterlesen...
24. May 2024 18:00
InterventionLange Nacht der Forschung 2024
2024 öffnet das Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) in der Langen Nacht der Forschung wieder seine Tore und lädt Interessierte in seine Räumlichkeiten am Rabensteig 3 ein. Im Rahmen von Vorträgen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Präsentationen bieten VWI-Team und Gäste Einb...Weiterlesen...
04. June 2024 13:00
VWI invites/goes to...Workshop: Social History of the Shoah. Everyday Life, Space and Time
 VWI invites the Department of Contemporary History, University of Vienna     13:00Hannah Riedler (VWI Junior Fellow)Between Deportation, Forced Labour and Germanisation. The Umwandererzentralstelle in Occupied Poland 1939–1941Commented by Kerstin von Lingen 13:40...Weiterlesen...
13. June 2024 18:30
Simon Wiesenthal LectureJack Fairweather: The Trials of Fritz Bauer. How Life as a Gay Jewish Socialist under the Nazis Shaped His Quest for Justice
Fritz Bauer’s daring mission to bring Adolf Eichmann and the perpetrators of Auschwitz to justice forced Germany and the world to pay attention to the crimes of the Holocaust. Bauer’s moral courage in speaking out in a society that had not yet come to terms with its past, which he him...Weiterlesen...

EHRI MethodenseminarMethodenseminar: What’s New in Austrian Holocaust Studies?


Vom 15. bis zum 18. Jänner 2024 findet am Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) das EHRI-Seminar “What’s New in Austrian Holocaust Studies? Digital Tools & Methods” statt. Gemeinsam mit vielen Partnerinstitutionen wird das VWI den Teilnehmer:innen einen Überblick über die neueste Entwicklung der österreichischen Holocaust-Forschung geben. Mit dabei sind die folgenden österreichischen Partnerinstitutionen: das Austrian Center for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH), das Centrum für Jüdische Studien an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (CJS), das Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstands (DÖW),, das Institut für Jüdische Geschichte Österreichs (Injoest), der Nationalfonds der Republik Österreich für die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus sowie einige Vertreter:innen der internationalen EHRI-Partner vom NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies (Amsterdam) und dem Institut für Zeitgeschichte (München).

Schließzeiten / Closing times


Sehr geehrte Benutzer:innen,

wir bitten Sie folgende Schließzeiten zu beachten:

Archiv: 18. Dezember 2023 bis 5. Jänner 2024
Bibliothek: 22. Dezember 2023 bis 5. Jänner 2024
Museum: 22. Dezember 2023 bis 5. Jänner 2024
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.


Dear visitors,

Please note the following closing times:

Archive: 18 December 2023 to 5 January 2024
Library:  22 December 2023 to 5 January 2024
Museum: 22 December 2023 to 5 January 2024

Thank you for your understanding.




The VWI strives to promote gender equality and diversity in its organizational structure, academic and programmatic work as well as in its representation and external communications.

Building on International, European, and national legislation, the VWI will:


Organization and Administration

  • ensure gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in its human resource policies and its organizational bodies (Board of Directors, International Academic Advisory Board);
  • provide for capacity building and a mutual learning environment that promote life-long learning, mutual respect, equality and non-discrimination;
  • create a sustainable and appreciative work environment conducive to a good work-life balance;
  • promote gender equality and diversity in its communication and visibility strategy (including by digital communication means, use of gender sensitive language);
  • align its mission and actions through meaningful accountability and reporting measures (annual evaluation report) to ensure progress and adjustment of goals.

    Academic and programmatic Work

  • promote gender mainstreaming and diversity in its academic work, research, and its fellowship-program;
  • encourage research promoting gender-sensitive analysis and/or fostering knowledge about the plight/needs of underrepresented communities in Holocaust and genocide research;
  • enhance gender mainstreaming and diversity in project work, VWI events and public history programs;
  • develop a roadmap to enhance accessibility of VWI’s data and documentation;
  • foster gender equality and diversity in representation (including through its publications) of the work/knowledge promoted by the institute.


    The VWI champions non-discrimination, gender equality, and diversity by its academic performance, work-environment, and outreach to a wide international audience by a skilled, supportive organizational team. In doing so, the VWI builds on the legacy of the work of Holocaust survivors. These survivors represent a diverse group of individuals in terms of religious traditions, ethnicity, class, gender and professions, who immediately after liberation from Nazi rule founded documentation centers and projects across Europe. Simon Wiesenthal, his team and their collaborators, were part of these transnational, Jewish grassroot initiatives.


  • establish a working group on “Gender and Equality” representing all work portfolios at the VWI;
  • begin a process that offers the staff an opportunity to provide feedback on measures enhancing gender equality and diversity management in organizational structures and the institute’s academic work;
  • prepare a report taking stock of existing practices and evaluating the practices promoting gender and diversity equality and mainstreaming by end of 2023. Based on its findings, develop a roadmap on gender equality and diversity for 2024–2025;
  • develop a plan for mapping gender/diversity analysis in the organizational structure, staff management and work environment;
  • analyze the existing practices in academic work and research to promote gender equality and diversity with a view to establish sustainable institutional practices;
  • build on the outcome of the fellowship evaluation (2022) to improve gender and diversity mainstreaming in VWI’s fellowship program;
  • develop a communication and visibility strategy to enhance gender equality and diversity mainstreaming in outreach, representation and communications;
  • Reference Documents



    UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
    UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG)
    UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD)


    EU legal and policy tools

    EU Council Directive 2000/43/EC (Anti-Racism Directive)
    EU Council Directive 2000/78/EC (Equal treatment in employment and occupation) occupation)
    EU Council Directive 2002/73/EC (on implementing the principle of equal treatment of men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion, and working conditions)
    EC Council Directive 2004/113/EC implementing the principle for equal treatment between men and women in the access to supply of goods and services


    Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025

    EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020 -2025
    EU Strategy combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life 2021-2030
    Gender Equality in Horizon Europe (
    National laws


    National legislation:

    Equal Treatment Act for the Private Sector (Gleichbehandlungsgesetz)
    Act on Equal Treatment Commission and the Ombud for Equal Treatment
    Anti discrimination legislation



    -Art 2 Austrian Basic Law (1867, general equality principle)7(2)
    -ART 7 (1) und (2) Federal Constitutional Act (1920, equal treatment of men and women






     © Archiv der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft


    Nachruf auf Ruth Klüger


    Doch dieses Dorf, diese Gemeinde, hat keine Miliz und schon gar keine Armeen, sie hat keine Kirchen und keine Gefängnisse und stattdessen unendlich viele Postämter und Briefkästen und Kaffeehäuser, wo sich die streitbaren Nachbarn begegnen und miteinander Schach spielen. Zu dieser weltweiten Gemeinde wollte ich damals in Berkeley gehören und freundete mich mit der deutschen Kultur, vor der ich ja weggelaufen war, wieder an und habe seither als Vermittlerin deutscher Literatur meinen Lebensunterhalt verdient. Heute darf ich an einem seiner ältesten Marktplätze meines, Ihres Dorfs (650 Jahre!!) stehen und als eine der Bewohnerinnen gelten. Diese Zugehörigkeit ist der beste Preis, den man sich als Geisteswissenschaftlerin wünschen kann.

    (Ruth Klüger bei der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde im Jahr 2015 an der Universität Wien)


    Ruth Klüger verstarb in der Nacht auf den 6. Oktober 2020 kurz vor ihrem 89. Geburtstag in Irvine, Kalifornien. Als eine der letzten ZeitzeugInnen der NS-Verbrechen wurde die scharfsinnige Intellektuelle oft auf die Bühne des österreichischen Gedächtnistheaters geladen. Bei all den Ehrungen blieb sie kritisch, ließ sich nicht vereinnahmen und hatte mit den vielen Labels, mit denen sie versehen wurde, ihre Schwierigkeiten.


    Das Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien trauert um die Schriftstellerin, Dichterin und Wissenschaftlerin Ruth Klüger, die nicht müde wurde, schonungslos ihre schmerzhaften Erinnerungen immer aufs Neue zu befragen.


    In ihren öffentlichen Auftritten und ihren literarischen Interventionen wies sie beharrlich auf die Bruchlinien und Widersprüchlichkeiten der österreichischen Vergangenheitsbewältigung hin. Dieses Vermächtnis gilt uns – den MitarbeiterInnen des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien – als Verpflichtung.


    Foto: © Archiv der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft

    VWI-Geschäftsführer bei der Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Café As" im Österreichischen Kulturforum Warschau


    Béla Rásky wird anlässlich der Vernissage der Ausstellung des Jüdischen Museums Wien Café As. Das Überleben des Simon Wiesenthal im Österreichischen Kulturforum Warschau am Sonntag, 23, August um 16.30 Uhr mit dem Journalisten Konstanty Gebert über Leben, Werk und Vermächtnis Simon Wiesenthals sprechen. Moderiert wird das Gespräch von Anna Duńcyk-Szuld, Programmdirektorin des Jüdischen Historischen Instituts.

    Using the Archive / Contact Information


    Opening hours 


    Monday: 9-13
    Tuesday: 9-13
    Wednesday: 11-15


    To visit or use the archive a registration is required.

    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Please bring an ID with you.


    If you have questions concerning the collections in the archive or are interested in planning a visit, please contact us in writing or by telephone.


    Due to the large number of queries as well as visitors we kindly ask for your patience in dealing with your query.



    The archive includes one workstation with a computer for research purposes as well as several laptop workstations with free Wi-Fi access. Archival material that does not pose any data protection concerns may be photographed or scanned. The archive is accessible for people with disabilities.


    The user form can be accessed here.

    The user regulations can be accessed here.


    Contact Information

    For specific queries regarding holdings and collections of the Archive of the VWI:
    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Tel. +43 1 890 15 14-400


    Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI)
    Rabensteig 3
    1010 Vienna

    EHRI Receives New Funding to Build a Permanent Home for International Holocaust Research


    On 23 August, it was announced that the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) will continue to receive funding from the European Union to sustain and expand its resources and activities and to enable it to become a permanent European home for international Holocaust research and collaboration.


    Over the past nine years EHRI has already proven itself by building and supporting a human network and digital infrastructure for the international Holocaust research community. With the new funding EHRI can now transform itself from a project into a permanent, independent organization. Its dependence on European Union subsidies will be replaced by a business model in which selected member states jointly finance the organization.

    Further information.

    Band 6 der VWI-Reihe Beiträge zur Holocaustforschung erschienen

    Der von Raul Cârstocea und Éva Kovács herausgegebene Band Modern Antisemitisms in The Peripheries. Europe and its Colonies 1880-1945 beinhaltet die im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären Simon Wiesenthal Konferenz im Jahre 2015 vorgetragenen Beiträge zu Fragen der Perspektivierung der Antisemitismusforschung.


    Der moderne Antisemitismus wird hier nicht mehr als ein ausschließliches Gebilde des Zentrums gesehen, das nach und nach an die Peripherien übertragen wurde, sondern vielmehr im Rahmen der Verflechtungen zwischen solchen Transfers und lokalen Mustern der Ausgrenzung. Diese produzierten in der Folge eine Fülle von Narrativen und Formen von Vorurteilen, die wiederum die rassistischen Entwürfe beeinflussten, die im Zentrum konzipiert worden waren.


    Das Konzept der „Peripherie“ wird so nicht nur in einem engen geografischen Sinn verstanden, sondern vielmehr in einem komplexen und facettenreichen – der nicht nur Räume innerhalb oder außerhalb Europas umfasst, die für den von Westeuropa angetriebenen Modernisierungsprozess peripher gewesen sind, sondern durchaus auch Räume innerhalb von Staaten, städtischen Gesellschaften und Strukturen der sozialen Reproduktion im peripheren Kapitalismus.



    If you would like to receive our newsletters (newsletter, invitations to our events and informations about the activties oft the VWI), we require your email address as well as a confirmation that you consent to receive our newsletters, sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Further data such as your first and last names serve the registration in our database. We use this data exclusively to send the requested information and we do not pass it on to third parties.


    You can revoke your consent to the storage of your data and email address as well as their use for the transmission of our newsletter at any time: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Your personal data will be deleted when transmissions cease or you cancel the transmissions.

    Data Protection Declaration


    Responsible Party:
    Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI)
    Rabensteig 3
    1010 Vienna
    Telephone: 0043-1-890 15 14
    E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    General Conditions
    The protection and security of your personal data is one of our greatest concerns.
    This data protection declaration relates only to our website. If you are redirected to other websites via links on our website, please inform yourself on the target page concerning the treatment of your data.
    It is possible to use our website without declaring any personal data. In cases where personal data (such as name, address, or email address) is gathered, this is done wherever possible on a voluntary basis. If you contact us by email, the data you share is stored for the purposes of dealing with your request, for follow-up questions, and for the documentation of our institutional activities, but will under no circumstances be shared with third parties.


    Our website does not use tracking cookies. We exclusively save information relating to online activities in individual browser sessions and the language selections of the users (session cookies).


    Website Analysis
    Our website does not conduct website analysis, whether through Google or any other providers.


    Please note that data transfers over the internet (for example through email communication or via unencrypted websites) can result in security gaps. Seamless protection against access by third parties is not possible.


    Data Subject Rights
    According to Austrian data protection law as well as the European DSGVO you as the data subject are the beneficiary of comprehensive rights. Your rights as the data subject include the right to information about personal data relating to yourself, the correction, deletion, limitation of usage, objection to usage, as well as data transferability (only where contractually stipulated or by consent), and the revocation of consent at any time.


    The easiest method to exercise your rights as data subject as by emailing us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You may also do so by mail or in person.
    You moreover have the right to complain at any time to the data protection authority concerning the use of your personal data. The contact details of the data protection authority are:


    Österreichische Datenschutzbehörde
    Wickenburggasse 8
    1080 Vienna
    Telephone: 0043-1-521 52/2569
    E Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Deletion of Data
    Your data will be deleted as soon as the respective contract with you has been completed and if there are no legal obligations to save your data.


    If you would like to receive our newsletters, we require your email address as well as a confirmation that you consent to receive our newsletters, sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Further data such as your first and last names serve the registration in our database. We use this data exclusively to send the requested information and we do not pass it on to third parties.


    You can revoke your consent to the storage of your data and email address as well as their use for the transmission of our newsletter at any time: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Your personal data will be deleted when transmissions cease or you cancel the transmissions.

    April 2024
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    Current Publications




    Voelkermord zur Prime Time






    Further Publications...


    The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


    bmbwf en 179


    wienkultur 179


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