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Workshops & Tagungen


Die einzelnen Forschungsvorhaben und -projekte des Wiener Wiesenthal Instituts für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) bedürfen einer laufenden Diskussion und tiefgehenden wissenschaftlichen Erörterung und Feinadjustierung.


VWI-Workshops dienen so der Vertiefung und Diskussion von Themen, die gerade im Fokus der Tätigkeiten des Instituts stehen. Das Grundsatzpapier und die empfohlenen Forschungsschwerpunkte des Internationalen Wissenschaftlichen Beirats bzw. dessen Empfehlungen  dienen dabei als Richtschnur, wobei aber Themen, Ideen und Konzepte durchaus auch vom VWI selbst aufgegriffen bzw. formuliert und umgesetzt werden können. Häufig werden oder wurden auch externe Fachleute für die Konzeption eines Workshops herangezogen, deren akademische Institutionen dann auch als Partnerorganisationen bei der konkreten Veranstaltung dienen.  


Für die Vorbereitung der Workshops hat sich seit 2011 – dem Jahr des ersten VWI-Workshops – eine Mischung aus Beiträgen, die über einen Call for Papers an die Organisatorinnen und Organisatoren herangebracht werden, bzw. die Einladung von ausgewiesenen Fachleuten für einzelne Panels oder die Keynote als durchaus produktiv erwiesen.


Darüber hinaus beteiligt sich das VWI auch finanziell, inhaltlich und organisatorisch an diversen Konferenzen, deren Inhalte mit dem Institutsprofil korrelieren.



“It Happened Here!” 
Digital and Shared: Holocaust History in Public Space

von Montag, 1. April 2019 -  09:30
bis Dienstag, 2. April 2019 - 17:30

Vienna Wiesenthal Institute, Research Lounge 1010 Vienna, Rabensteig 3, 3rd Floor


Mobile maps and the constant accessibility of information, as well as more experimental technologies like augmented reality, are changing our perception of the present as we move around in our daily life or while we travel. Do these technologies also affect how we consume and understand information about the past in space? This workshop organised by the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) aims to have a fresh look at how Holocaust documentation is made available in the space where the historical events unfolded.

How can original historical documentation and the rich data sets accumulated by memory institutions and projects support and structure remembrance, education and research in the authentic space where historical events unfolded? Numerous projects which map the events of the Holocaust notwithstanding, the usage of historical information in space outside of a museum or a Gedenkstätte is insufficiently explored, tested and discussed.

The workshop will contribute to a critical exploration of how such digital approaches contribute to the social construction of space: Do such projects contribute to the rethinking of the public space, today often ethnically and culturally homogenised? Does such experience ignite new forms of imagination of such spaces as shared and multi-ethnic, locations where encounters, exchange and enrichment took place as well as spaces of conflict reaching from ethnic and political violence, through expropriation to deportation, incarceration and murder?

Please register at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! by Thursday, 28 March, 6 pm and bring your ID.



Monday, 1 April 2019 – Morning

Welcome and Opening Comments

9:30 Béla Rásky (Vienna)
Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Prague, Vienna)

It Happened in Vienna! – Holocaust History in the City Space
Chair: Béla Rásky (Vienna)

9:45 Dieter Hecht, Eleonore Lappin (Vienna)
“Topography of the Shoah in Vienna”: Analog Concepts of Holocaust Research for a Digital World

10:05 Thomas Jekel, Katharina Wöhs (Salzburg)
A Wiki Approach to Enhance Database Use in Holocaust Education

10:25 Diana Popescu (London)
The After-Lives of Holocaust Archival Images in Public Art

10:45 Discussion

11:15 Coffee

Project Exchange – Introductions
Chair: Marianne Windsperger (Vienna)

11:30 – 13:00

Many digital projects on Holocaust in public space are in development, at the same time and without communicating with each other. The Project Exchange gives possibility to share experience and learn from similar activities. Project representatives will give a max. 10-minute very brief and concise introduction, followed by an interactive session in which participants can individually engage with them and digitally share their comments, notes and ideas.

Wolfgang Gasser, Benjamin Grilj (St. Pölten)
“” and “Communicating Vessels”

Sarah Gensburger (Paris)
“Voices from the Holocaust in Paris” The Web Application “It Happened Here”: From Scientific Researcher to Everyday Use [Virtual Participant]

Mathias Lichtenwagner (Vienna)
“POREM” – Digital Maps of Remembrance

Roderick Miller (Berlin)
“Tracing the Past – Mapping the Lives”

Ylva Wibaeus (Stockholm)
“Életem = My Life”. The Holocaust in Jászberény and the Possibilities of Digital Technology

Aneta Plzáková, Zuzana Schreiberová (Prague)
Integration and Segregation in the City Space: The History of the Holocaust in Prague through a Mobile Application

Martin Recken (Berlin)
The “berlinHistory App”

Carmen Smiatacz (Hamburg)
“Geschichtomat” – How to Teach Jewish History with Digital Aid

13:00 Lunch

13:45 Project Exchange – Interactive Session

Monday, 1 April 2019 – Afternoon

Guided Tours

Group 1: “Memento Vienna” – Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Prague,Vienna)

Group 2: “Hungarian Forced Labour” – Kinga Frojimovics, Éva Kovács (Vienna)

16:30 Coffee

Making Private Space Public?
Chair: Éva Kovács (Vienna)

16:45 Caroline Cormier (Toronto)
Addressing Jewish Life in Berlin: Sites of Memory in Jewish Places and Denk Mal am Ort

17:05 Angela Boone (Amsterdam)
Usage of Historical Information Outside a Museum or Memorial Site: Annual Project Open Jewish Homes in the Netherlands

17:25 Discussion

Tuesday, 2 April 2019 – Morning

Bringing Holocaust Documentation Into Public Space
Chair: Kobi Kabalek (Tel Aviv)

9:30 Alina Bothe (Berlin)
Testimonies in the Social Sphere – Layers of Time and Memory

9:50 Zofia Trębacz (Warsaw)
The Memory of the Holocaust through a Historical Model

10:10 Discussion

10:30 Coffee

Project Exchange – Introductions
Chair: Magdalena Sedlická (Prague)

10:45 – 12:00

Gudrun Blohberger, Christian Dürr (Mauthausen)
Virtual Interventions in Public Social Space. Digital Resources of the Mauthausen Memorial and the Linking of Space and Memory

Andreas Filipovic, Michael Hologschwandtner (Vienna)
Audiovisual Archive

Thomas Irmer (Berlin)
Satellite Camps – A New App on Satellite Camps of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp in Berlin

Alfred Lang, Michael Schreiber (Eisenstadt)
Burgenländische Forschungsgesellschaft – Remembrance and Commemoration

Susanne Maslanka, Sophie Rathke (Munich)
Münchner Leerstellen. A Virtual Exhibition on Forgotten Places of Nazi Crimes in Munich and its Environs

Martin Šmok (Prague)
Iwalks at the Intersection of Testimony and Space

Maciek Zabierowski (Oświęcim)
The Story of Jewish Oświęcim [Virtual Participant]

12:00 Project Exchange – Interactive Session

13:15 Lunch

Guided Tours

Group 1: “Hungarian Forced Labour” – Kinga Frojimovics, Éva Kovács (Vienna)

Group 2: “Memento Vienna” – Wolfgang Schellenbacher (Prague, Vienna)

15:15 Coffee

Tuesday, 2 April 2019 – Afternoon

Auschwitz Through Digital Technology

Chair: Elana Jakel (Washington DC)

15:30 Imogen Dalziel (London)
Walking through the Auschwitz Museum – At Home: Online Virtual Tours and the Concept of Authenticity

15:50 Tomasz Łysak (Warsaw)
Street View Auschwitz

16:10 Discussion

Concluding Remarks And Discussion

16:30 Michal Frankl (Vienna, Prague)
Concluding Remarks and Discussion

17:15 Farewell Coffee

The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure project (EHRI) is an international project aimed at providing online access to information about dispersed sources relating to the Holocaust and making these documents and resources more accessible. EHRI is funded by the European Commission under the FP7 and Horizon 2020 programmes.

Organised by EHRI at the VWI in Cooperation with the Jewish Museum in Prague

EHRI Logi JuedischesMuseumPrag

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