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Maayan Armelin

OEAD-VWI Fellow (02-2022) 


Web ArmelinArmelin studies the SS-Einsatzgruppen, mobile squads who murdered over a million and a half Jewish and non-Jewish civilians in Nazi occupied Soviet Union. Her dissertation project combines history and social psychology in tracing the historical, ideological, organizational, and situational factors that shaped social relations within three Einsatzgruppen units. Specifically, Armelin analyzes how officers’ leadership styles, and the relations between rank-and-file members and their peers, encouraged individual Einsatzgruppen members of all ranks to participate in mass executions. Armelin was awarded a scholarship with the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OEAD) in 2021-2022. Focusing on postwar testimonies of former Einsatzgruppen members, she is currently working in Austria’s state archive (Landesarchiv) in Vienna, where she analyzes post war trials of Austrian Einsatzgruppen members conducted by Austrian authorities.


Maayan Armelin is a PhD candidate at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University. She holds a BA in history and psychology and an MA in social psychology from the University of Haifa, Israel. Between 2010 and 2014 Armelin has worked at the Strochlitz Institute for Holocaust Research at the University of Haifa and on the editorial board of The Journal of Holocaust Research. She received fellowships from the Claims Conference (2014-2019), EHRI (2017-2018) and the Harry Frank Guggenheim foundation. In the 2020-2021 Armelin was a Junior Fellow at the Wiesenthal Institute for Holcocaust Studies, and hold a scholarship from the Austrian Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OEAD).


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