Ungarische Zwangsarbeit in Wien
Corry Guttstadt (Hg.): Antisemitismus in und aus der Türkei
Methodenseminar: What’s New in Austrian Holocaust Studies?
»Johannes und seine Gedenkstätte« Regisseurin: Susanne Scheiner, Schweiz 2023, 66 Minuten, Originalversion
VWI Visual
EHRI und Mikroarchive in Österreich
Laura Almagor: Beyond Zion. The Jewish Territorialist Movement, Liverpool University Press, Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2022
Shulamit Volkov: Die jüngste Welle des Antisemitismus. Kontinuitäten und neue Entwicklungen
Simon Wiesenthal Lecture
Workshop "Discourses on Fascism and Nazism"
VWI invites/goes to...
Dori Laub, Psychoanalysis and Testimony – Invoking Presence out of Absence
Gedenkstätte Karajangasse. Geschichte und Perspektiven eines politischen Lernorts
Ingeborg Bachmann, Marie Luise Kaschnitz, Hilde Domin, Nelly Sachs: Über Grenzen sprechend. Briefe. Piper/Suhrkamp, München, Berlin, Zürich 2023
Edyta Gawron: Never Too Late to Remember, Never Too Late for Justice! Holocaust Research and Commemoration in Contemporary Poland
Dealing with Antisemitism in the Past and Present. Scientific Organisations and the State of Research in Austria
Quantifying the Holocaust. Classifying, Counting, Modeling: What Contribution to Holocaust History?
Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024
Workshop: Social History of the Shoah. Everyday Life, Space and Time
Internationaler Tag der Archive
Jack Fairweather: The Trials of Fritz Bauer. How Life as a Gay Jewish Socialist under the Nazis Shaped His Quest for Justice
SWC 2024: Travels Beyond the Holocaust. Memorialization, Musealization and Representation of Atrocities in Global Dialogue
Simon Wiesenthal Conference
Fremde Erde – Festival Verfemte Musik
Teaching about the Roma Genocide. Prospects and Challenges [Only for registered participants]
ORF-Lange Nacht der Museen am VWI
The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by: