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Aurelia Kalisky

Gerda Henkel-Research Fellow (11/2023 – 03/2024)


How Do We Write Our History? The Unclassifiable Historiography of Jewish Survivors after the Shoah


Aurelia KaliskyThe project focuses on the works and careers of a group of authors, the "survivor scholars". It examines forms of scholarly inquiry and knowledge production undertaken by Jewish Holocaust survivors until the mid-1980s. These were driven by the common goal of documenting the catastrophe and writing its history. Apart from the differences between their approaches, they developed independent historiographical forms that seem all the more valuable because they anticipate recent reflections on the historiography of the Shoah and on the need for an interdisciplinary development of Holocaust studies and historiography in general.


Aurelia Kalisky, literary scholar, Fellow at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin since 2021, supported by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah. Numerous articles on testimony, testimonial literature, politics of memory and historiography in the context of genocidal violence, especially the Shoah and the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda.


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