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Various Events

The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) also has an educational mission. This entails the task of retaining the visibility of the context of remembrance culture, of the media anthropological background as well as the discursive context of various forms of remembrance of the Holocaust and other genocides for a broad public. VWI exhibitions serve the purpose of remembrance, confrontation and documentation while also making the materiality and the act of remembrance itself a topic and an issue of educational questions.


The VWI's first exhibition was organised together with the Jewish Museum Vienna as early as 2007, while the institute was yet being established: "Ordnung muss sein – Das Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien".


The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) will at a later phase launch education and seminar programmes that will concentrate somewhat less on the immediate training of teachers and rather follow the main aim of transferring knowledge and practical know-how from the research field to the schools and allow for their feedback in education projects that are ongoing or in planning. The VWI workshop „What's it got to do with me? Perspectives of history teaching on National Socialism and Holocaust in migration societies“ was a first attempt at putting this concept into practice.


Celebrations and memorial acts on the occasions of important anniversaries will complete the VWI events programme.



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04. July 2006

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


bmbwf en 179


wienkultur 179


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