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News – Events – Calls

19. September 2024 08:00 - 28. September 2024 17:00
InterventionFremde Erde – Festival Verfemte Musik
Mit dem Musikfestival „Fremde Erde“ – durchgeführt von Viva la Classica in Kooperation mit dem Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI), Neubau erinnert und Exilarte – sollen jene Komponist:innen, die Opfer der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft wurden, in der Öffe...Weiterlesen...
26. September 2024 11:45 - 27. September 2024 13:00
WorkshopTeaching about the Roma Genocide. Prospects and Challenges [Only for registered participants]
Around 500.000 Roma were killed during the Holocaust by the National Socialist (NS) regime and their collaborators. Until recently, the NS-Genocide of the Roma has remained broadly unknown and ignored by society while the Romani victims and their descendants have not received politica...Weiterlesen...
05. October 2024 18:00
InterventionORF-Lange Nacht der Museen am VWI
Das Museum ist dem Vermächtnis des Holocaust-Überlebenden Simon Wiesenthal gewidmet. Seit seiner Befreiung aus dem Konzentrationslager Mauthausen versuchte Wiesenthal NS-Täter:innen aufzuspüren und diese vor Gericht zu bringen. Seine Motivationen und die dahinterstehenden Arbeitsmet...Weiterlesen...
17. January 2025 08:00
FellowshipsCall for Fellowships 2025/26
Fellowships 2024/25 at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) (German version below) The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) invites applications for its fellowships for the academic year 2025/2026. The VWI is an academic institution dedicat...Weiterlesen...

Statement by the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) On the Current Rise in Antisemitism Worldwide

The VWI condemns the drastic rise in anti-Semitic incidents of verbal and physical violence and the global threat to Jews following the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israeli residential areas on 7 October 2023. On the night of 1 November 2023, the ceremonial hall in the Jewish section of Vienna’s Central Cemetery was set on fire.


Already at the beginning of November 1938, exactly 85 years ago, the Jewish Community of Vienna mourned the devastation of its ceremonial hall by the National Socialists. On the other hand, during the Second World War, the new Jewish cemetery had offered the Jews who remained in Vienna a last resort. It is thus inscribed in the collective memory as a central site of survival. Today, the new attack causes traumatic memories of the Holocaust in many survivors. At the same time, Jews in various places, including Vienna, are threatened and their houses and streets are marked.

The VWI calls on the Republic of Austria and the City of Vienna to use all means at the disposal of the constitutional state to protect those affected and to consequently punish antisemitic hate crimes.

With his life’s work, Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal stands for the defense of our fundamental democratic values and for understanding between the most diverse social, cultural and religious groups. The VWI sees both threatened by the attacks against Jews currently spreading all over the world and also in Austria. The VWI stands in solidarity with all Jews, the Jewish Community of Austria, to Israel as the home of the survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants as well as to the hostages of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The VWI commemorates all civilian victims of the conflict in the Middle East. The VWI calls on the citizens of Austria, especially those responsible in politics and the media, to show civil courage and to do everything possible to safeguard our democratic values and to enable everyone to live a safe and fear-free life.

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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


bmbwf en 179


wienkultur 179


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