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Since the 1980s, the politics of remembrance and the central place held by the Holocaust therein have moved into the focus of a global cultural policy debate. Triggered by popular formats such as TV series, the establishment of Holocaust museums, and the erection of memorial sites and memorials, and by documentations, feature films, plays, as well as exhibitions, the highly controversial debate has addressed and continues to address the question of the sense and form of Holocaust remembrance as well as its possibilities and limits.


The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) understands its educational mission as the task of preserving the visibility of the cultural context of remembrance and the media anthropological background as well as the discursive context of popular remembrance of the Holocaust and other genocides for its audience. The materiality and the act of remembrance itself are focussed on by making these the very topic and issue of educational questions. This is achieved on the one hand via academic debate and reasoning, on the other by testing the issue in various contexts by experiment. The latter takes place in the framework of “Interventions in Public Spaces”, involving especially artists and writers.




Echoes, memories, and aftereffects – resonances – are usually laden with emotion, sentimental and individual. The aim of this event series is therefore to cultivate anew a conversation beyond the today much discussed ‘echo chambers’ of social media and to offer a space for mutual thought and reflection – in other words for resonating – at the intersection of living memory, collective memory, and scholarly analysis: Different aspects of, approaches to, and perspectives on the research areas of the VWI will be sounded out here; intergenerational conversations will be enabled; questioning, ruminating, and doubting will be allowed – borrowing freely from the words of Bertolt Brecht and Marcel Reich-Ranicki: “Curtains closed and all the questions open.”


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Das Wiener Wiesenthal Institut bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung 2016

Friday, 22. April 2016, 19:00 - 23:30

Grillparzerhaus, Johannesgasse 6, 1010 Wien / Metro Kinokulturhaus, Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Wien


Auch dieses Jahr beteiligt sich das Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocaust-Studien (VWI) wieder an der Langen Nacht der Forschung.

In deren Rahmen werden am 22. April ab 19 Uhr im Grillparzerhaus (Johannesgasse 6, 1010 Wien) drei institutsrelevante Themengebiete im Stundentakt vorgestellt und diskutiert:

  • The Wiesenthal Memorial Room;
  • Tendenzen der Holocaustforschung;
  • Digitale Datenbasen in der Holocaustforschung;
  • der letzte Teil, die Vorführung des oscarprämierten Films Sauls Sohn (2015), wird im benachbarten Metro-Kino gezeigt und anschließend von Expertinnen und Experten diskutiert



Grillparzerhaus, Johannesgasse 6, 1010 Wien

19.00 – 19.45 Uhr
The Wiesenthal Memorial Room
KuratorInnen: Alex Kubik, Werner Michael Schwarz und Susanne Winkler
Moderation: Béla Rásky


20.00 – 20.45 Uhr
Tendenzen der Holocaustforschung
Focus Groups with the VWI-Fellows Laura Almagor: A Different Way Out. The Jewish Territorialist Movement and Displaced Persons in Austria (1945-1952)

  • Filip Erdeljac: Habsburg Nostalgia and Croat Nationalism: Jewish Croats and the Ustasha State, 1941-1945
  • Lindsay MacNeill: Vienna, International Policing, and Anti-Communism between the Wars.
  • Carson Phillips: Reconciling Conflicting Images of Masculinity

Moderation: Katherine Lebow


21.00 – 21.45 Uhr
Digitale Datenbasen in der Holocaustforschung

  • Adina Seeger: The Austrian Heritage. Ein Projekt zur digitalen Sammlung, Verbreitung und Vermittlung schriftlicher und mündlicher Erinnerungen von österreichisch-jüdischen EmigrantInnen in den USA und Israel
  • Philipp Rohrbach: Das AJR Oral History Archiv am Wiener Wiesenthal Institut
  • Éva Kovács: Ungarisch-jüdische Zwangsarbeit in Wien (1944-45)


Metro Kinokulturhaus, Johannesgasse 4, 1010 Wien

22.00 – 24.00 Uhr
Son of Saul (Ungarn 2015) – Filmaufführung und Diskussion
Gäste: Zuzanna Dziuban (Amsterdam), András Forgách (Budapest)
Moderation: Éva Kovács


Hier finden Sie das Programm als PDF.



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The Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI) is funded by:


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